
Source trust-dialog

Dialog to request user to accept permissions. (should only used within modal)


Reference Implementation: Contacts Account Create component

  • typescript
await this.modalService.createModal(TrustDialogComponent, {
  smartAgentName: 'Onboarding Smart Agent',
  smartAgentRights: [
  smartAgentDetails: {
    description: `
      The onboarding Smart Agent gives you the ability, to invite persons via Email and send
      them EVE\'s as seed money. They receive a custom Email with an invite link.
      You get a mailbox message with the onboarded user id and the new alias of the account
    verifiedBy: '',
    verifiedAt: '28.02.2018',
    createdBy: '',
    createdAt: '28.02.2018',
  smartAgentAccountId: '0x063fB42cCe4CA5448D69b4418cb89E663E71A139',
  smartAgentTrustFn: async() => {
    const myAccountId = this.core.activeAccount();
    let profile = this.bcc.getProfileForAccount(smartAgentAccountId);

    const targetPubKey = await profile.getPublicKey();
    const commKey = await this.bcc.keyExchange.generateCommKey();
    await this.bcc.keyExchange.sendInvite(smartAgentAccountId, targetPubKey, commKey, {});

    // add key to profile
    await this.bcc.profile.addContactKey(
    await this.bcc.profile.addProfileKey(
      smartAgentAccountId, 'alias', 'Email Smart Agent'

    await this.bcc.profile.storeForAccount(this.bcc.profile.treeLabels.addressBook);
}, true);

View Example
