
Source contract-members

Contract member management component. Allows you to show existing members of contracts and, if you want, to collect more users that can be invited by your code.


  1. members - string: new member account ids that should be added to the contract
  2. contractMemberStates - string: members states of the contract
  3. label - string: this component is displayed like an ionic input, defines property or hides it
  4. placeholder - string: replace input placeholder
  5. maxMembers - number: max users that can be added
  6. origin - string: already added user accounts
  7. readonly - string: show display or add mode


  1. onChange - EventEmitter<any>: Event trigger that is called when something has changed (account moved / removed)

Public Params

  1. touched - string: if the menu was opened and closed, the component “gets touched”


Reference Implementation: Task DApp detail

import {
} from 'bcc';

import {
} from 'angular-core';

  private bccService: EvanBCCService,
) { }

async ngOnInit() {
  this.membersToAdd = [ ];
  this.taskAddress = '0x000';

  this.task = await this.bcc.dataContract.getEntry(

  this.task.states = loadTaskStates(this.task);
  this.task.members = loadTaskStates(this.task);

async loadTaskStates(task) {
  const states = { };
  for (let member of task.members) {
    states[member] = await this.getMemberState(task.address, member);
  return states;

async getMemberState(contractId?: string, accountId?: string) {
  if (accountId === this.core.activeAccount()) {
    const contractInstance = this.bccService.contractLoader.loadContract('BaseContract', contractId);
    return await this.bccService.executor.executeContractCall(contractInstance, 'getConsumerState', accountId);

async getMembers(contractId: string) {
  const bcRoles = new RightsAndRoles({
    contractLoader: this.bccService.contractLoader,
    executor: this.bccService.executor,
    nameResolver: this.bccService.nameResolver,
  const members = await bcRoles.getMembers(contractId);

  // make them unique
  return members.filter(
    (member, index, a) => index === a.indexOf(member)
<span *ngIf="task.members.length === 0">{{ '' | translate }}</span>
  [readonly]="!(amITheCreator() && task.contractState == 2)"
  <h3 label>{{ 'custom-label' | translate }}</h3>

<div *ngIf="membersToAdd.length > 0">
  <button ion-button round outline icon-start (click)="addMembers()">
    <ion-icon name="person-add"></ion-icon>
    {{ '_dapptaskboard.invite-members' | translate }}

View Example
