
Source evanGlobals

The evan globals are a runtime object that handles global references for internal functions within the dapp-browser. This is nessecary to remove any dapp-browser dependency from the window object. Maybe this collection will help you.


  1. CoreBundle - CoreBundle: bcc exported CoreBundle;
  2. CoreRuntime - CoreInstance: bcc active CoreInstance;
  3. SmartContracts - SmartContracts: Initialized build Object of the SmartContracts;
  4. System - SystemJS: global DApp browser SystemJS for direct use (normally you will use import { } from ‘module-name’, because a using DBCP and dapp.loadDApp functions, SystemJS imports will be registered);
  5. devMode - devMode: array of dev mode available applications;
  6. ipfsCatPromise - ipfsCatPromise: promisified ipfs cat function;
  7. restIpfs - restIpfs: restIpfs export;